Science and Innovation

Scientific and Clinical research is important to us. Beyond our own growing scientific team we work with scientific advisors and university partners for the discovery of promising new research that can be ultimately translated into data driven consumer products.

Our approach is aimed at reducing as much of the viral load as possible during the early stages of the infection cycle with safe and effective interventions. This gives the immune system a better chance to deal with it effectively and thereby increases the potential of improving patient outcomes.

Indeed there is evidence to suggest that the severity of Coronavirus symptoms experienced is proportional to the viral load seen by the body. Before coming to market our compounds are subjected to rigorous safety and efficacy testing by formulation chemists to ensure full regulatory compliance and manufactured to GMP standards.

Leeds University EM Study

Study Protocol

Virus samples were retrieved from storage and thawed on ice, with grids prepared within 4 h. CryoEM grids (Lacy 400 mesh with 2nm ultra thin carbon) was glow discharged using the Cressington glow discharge device, 30 s treatment at 10 mA to render them hydrophilic.

CryoEM grids were prepared using the Vitrobot, 3 ul of virus solution was applied to each grid. Two duplicate grids were made. Grids were loaded into the Titan Krios microscope and images taken to confirm if concentration of virus was sufficient for Covimro trials to go ahead. If Virus concentration was sufficient (on average more than 1 virus particle per image taken at a magnification that yields 1.3 Å/pixel), we proceeded to stage 2.

We made grids of 4 ‘treatments’ added to the virus sample prior to grid making, and 1 ‘control’ (ultrapure water added at same vol as ‘treatments’). Each was made in duplicate, 10 grids in total. The ‘treatments’ 1-5 were taken out of storage and centrifuged on a benchtop centrifuge at room temperature, top speed for 10 minutes to remove any sediment. After centrifugation, the required volume of supernatant was removed to treat the virus with.

The treatment was added to the added virus at a volume ratio of 10:1 Virus:treatment, and incubated at 37 degrees for 60 minutes ( with occasional shaking every 15 mins or so) prior to preparing the grids. EM grids were prepared as steps 2-4 above. Grids were imaged in Titan Krios microscope. 5 ‘representative images’ were be taken for each treatment.


Untreated Coronavirus

Liposome like structures present at high abundance across the grid. Could not identify any virus particles, and so only medium mag images taken. Recommend covimro 2 only control.

Coronavirus treated with Covimro

Grid looked of good quality. Virus concentration was broadly consistent with the virus only control. Electron dense black blobs which may be the ‘treatment’ (Covimro 1)(as image cov-1-1). We recommend carrying out a treatment alone control to verify this.

Image Cov-1-2, virus spikes are less prominent than control images. Cov-1 image 3-5 virus spikes are visualised on the surface

 “The use of electron microscopy (EM) is highly complementary to the ongoing pharmacological studies. The current lab assays will allow us to test the potency and pharmacokinetic properties of Covimro. The EM allows us to directly see the affect Covimro has on the virus structure and allows us to test the hypothesis of its mode of action. Our current pilot studies have suggested changes in virus integrity in the presence of Covmiro with degradation of the viral spikes. This is significant as the infectivity of the virus will be lost if we can degrade the spike structure.  Further work will allow us to do further controls with a series of “blind studies” to examine the effects of Covmiro and examine the role of concentration and incubation time on virus integrity and the degradation of viral spikes and disruption to the membrane.” – Dr Stephen Muench, School of Biomedical Sciences, University of Leeds.

Entire EM Image Library from Titan Krios

EC50/CC50 Results from Hvivo Labs, London

An EC50/CC50 assay conducted at Hvivo labs show 20% of Coronavirus infectivity reduction at just 0.39% concentration as measured by Cytopathic effects, CPE.

The full range of concentrations will be tested shortly and the results to be published.